This little installation I did for Windows on Main St this year has been up since mid-Sept, but I hadn't posted it here yet. (Awkwardly includes me snapping the photo.) Picture the record player spinning. It did for a week or so until the motor burned out. It's in the window of Hudson Valley Vinyl at 267 Main. Essentially I decided to feature the painting I'd done for the Big Broadcast CD cover, hung by yellow chains and accompanied by this vintage record player painted yellow, with these ideas in mind: 1) To honor the BB program and its creator Rich Conaty, and others who are also passionate about sharing music and supporting artists. He got this music out into the world via WFUV, week after week for years. 2) The site-specificity, needless to say, in this record shop window. The cityscape depicted is based on my street in Newburgh, across the river from Beacon, more local interaction. 3) This year's WOMS theme is 'Art As Cultural Currency'. "The persistent drum of artists working here and their collective hum have been instrumental to creating intangible as well as economic value in Beacon, NY. As the economic landscape of this city changes, this BeaconArts project is a means to raise awareness of the vital but sometimes invisible role artists play." I reflect back onto my (growing and changing) community what I get from it, which is ideally inspiration, support, and a way to sustain myself. In turn I can contribute my creativity, energy, and part of what I make from selling work, since that income goes to local businesses as well as helping me run my gallery. ![]()
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